Please contact us for a more detailed description of the services we provide.
Comprehensive College Counseling
Our most thorough service offered. Includes all milestone meetings and in-person availability throughout the process. All discussions, contacts, and essay work are covered in this package.
Introductory Meeting
This is an opportunity for Tony, the student, and family to get to know each other. This begins the counseling process: our first goal is to establish a trusting, open relationship.
Personalized academic assessment to date
Discuss extracurricular activities and summer plans/experiences
Working List Meeting
Create a customized working list of schools (categorize based on academics/student & parent input)
Review of final sophomore year grades, create a testing plan, discuss summer experiences/plans
Explore ways to build depth and leadership in current activities/areas of interest
Address the possibility of athletic recruitment (there may exist different timelines for different sports)
Further Focus Meeting
Provide up-to-date status of grades and testing
Discuss school visits and research (i.e. likes, dislikes, the “feeling”) and plan for spring/summer college visits
Further dialogue on academic/cultural offerings at schools of interest
Review of senior year schedule (e.g. is there a need for increased rigor, upward trend)
Begin moving from a working list toward a balanced final list of schools
Arrange summer plans (e.g. community service, work, other experiences)
Final List Meeting
Finalize college list based on full academic profile through junior year
Thorough explanation of application process (who requires what)
Work through discussion of admissions plans (ED, EA, Regular, etc.) with relation to schools on your list
Determine if further testing is necessary (SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests)
Essays/Apps Meeting
Brainstorm through final draft of personal statement (main essay) and supplemental essays for up to 10 colleges
Support student as they complete Common Application and school specific applications
Create timeline for submission of applications based on admission plans
Conduct mock interview with student if required for his/her school
Final review of all applications before submission
Discuss possible submission of financial aid forms (CSS Profile/FAFSA)
Final Decision/Financial Aid/Celebration Meeting (winter/spring of senior year)
Decision time: discuss options, financial aid awards, and plan for depositing to the school of choice
Important Information
These are milestone meetings but as part of THE Comprehensive Package , you will have access to Tony as needed
Please contact us for a detailed explanation of the Comprehensive Package as well as pricing and payment options.
Senior College Counseling Package
Senior Summer Meetings (2 in-person meetings, summer before/fall of senior year)
Created for students/families who feel like they’ve fallen behind in the process or who are looking to make some final decisions and need further input
Finalize college list based on full academic profile through junior year
Personalized academic assessment to date
Review of senior year schedule
Summer plans
Create a summer/fall college visit game plan
Thorough explanation of application process
Work through discussion of admissions plans
Plan for further testing if necessary
Important Information
This is a two-session package to help students/families finalize college list plans
Many students use this package in conjunction with the essays and applications package
Total cost for the Senior Summer Package is $1750 due prior to the initial meeting
Personal Statement and Application Package
Essays/Apps Meetings (2 in-person meetings during summer/fall of senior year)
Work with each student from brainstorming through final draft of personal statement (main essay)
Support each student as they complete Common Application and school specific applications (must take place after August 1st for most schools)
Create timeline for submission of applications based on admission plans
Conduct mock interview with students if admissions interviews are required for their schools
Final review of all applications before submission
Total cost for the Personal Statement and Application Package is $1450
There is an additional hourly cost for supplemental essays if student/parents feel that further support is needed ($120/hour)
Student-Athlete Recruitment Package
Recruitment Meetings (3 in-person meetings, continued contact throughout process via phone, email, Skype. Ideal meeting times vary by sport.)
Provides Tony and the family the opportunity to discuss goals of the recruitment and search process (level of competition, role of continuing as an athlete in the college search and selection process, where do you “fit” in the recruitment process, what are your academic and athletic goals)
During our first meeting we will discuss all aspects of the recruitment process (including NCAA eligibility, the roles of those involved, the recruitment timeline specific to your sport, and how to make initial contact with college coaches)
Full explanation of Divisions within the NCAA and the levels within these divisions
Personalized academic assessment (evaluation focused on core courses [GPA], rigor [how to build where to focus], test scores), how this will play a role in the recruitment process (better student better options), and what you need to do now
Honest athletic self-assessment and discussion of outside athletic assessments (high school coach, club coach, college coach when possible)
Follow-up meetings will be focused on the continuation of the recruitment process (proactive vs. reactive recruiting) and college selection
Thorough explanation of application process (what role will athletics play)
Work through discussion of admissions plans (ED, EA, Regular, etc.) and implications of each
Important Information
This is a three-session package to help students/families better understand the search and selection process, the role athletics can/will play in creating a list of colleges and the creation of a recruitment game-plan
Total cost for the Student-Athlete Recruitment Package is $1950 due prior to the initial meeting
Transfer Applicant counseling package
This package is for students who are planning to either move from community college to a four-year college or for students who are planning to transfer from one four-year school to another.
Transfer counseling meetings (2 in-person or Skype meetings)
Discuss reasons for transferring and goals moving forward
Create a list of potential options based on academic performance and goals
Fully explain transfer requirements (college credits, high school transcript and SAT/ACT scores)
Assistance with completion of applications and review of personal statement
Review financial aid process and submission of necessary forms
Total cost for the Transfer Counseling Package is $1050 due prior to the initial meeting
Created for (but not limited to) those students with little to no experience in either the ACT/SAT that need to begin general testing preparation.
General Information:
Coastal’s curriculum is tailored to aid in filling a student’s gaps of knowledge as they present themselves
Coastal believes in student-directed learning: while we point the way, it’s the student that takes the test
Our ACT/SAT prep package covers each section of both tests in detail
As each session continues, the curriculum is edited to minister to the unique needs of each student
$1150/10-Hour Block due at first meeting (Additional cost of $100 per block for in home meetings)
Required materials:
Collegeboard Official SAT Prep Book (It’s big, it’s blue, you can’t miss it)
Official ACT Prep Guide (it’s big, it’s red, you can’t miss it)
Created for (but not limited to) those students with some knowledge of the test they are focusing on
General Information:
Instead of starting from square one, our tutoring begins with an in-depth look at the strengths and weaknesses of students that have a background in prep
A schedule of priority is created to ensure each hour of prep is tailored directly to a student’s needs
Once a test is taken, its results will be scrutinized to determine on what subjects prep time is best spent
$125/hour due at each meeting
Required materials:
Collegeboard Official SAT Prep Book (It’s big, it’s blue, you can’t miss it)
Official ACT Prep Guide (it’s big, it’s red, you can’t miss it)
ADDITIONAL SERVICES OFFERED (Contact us for pricing information)
Essay writing and editing
Academic/Athletic Resume drafting